Search results for: "jobs" in all categories

1631 results found.
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The Palaszczuk Government has announced more than $400 million in new, accelerated funding for Queensland roads to supercharge the state’s economy...
... stimulus package to supercharge jobs, Qld economy ...
Terms matched: 1  -  26 May 2020
The McGowan Labor Government's new Jobs Law will be introduced into State Parliament in coming weeks, to ensure Western Australians get a bigger s...
... to secure more WA jobs 01 September 2017 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  01 Sep 2017
Treasurer Curtis Pitt says the Palaszczuk Government’s massive infrastructure program continues to secure existing jobs and generate new ones. “W...
... Major projects secure existing jobs and generate new ...
Terms matched: 1  -  24 Mar 2017
The McGowan Government has approved new measures to streamline the process for the awarding of contracts for transport construction projects up to...
... -tracked to support jobs during COVID- ...
Terms matched: 1  -  07 May 2020
The Palaszczuk Government has launched the $130 million Jobs and Regional Growth Fund as part of its $1 billion plan to create jobs outside the St...
... fund boosts regional Queensland jobs plan to $ ...
Terms matched: 1  -  06 Feb 2017
The WA economy will receive a $940 million boost from additional Federal and State infrastructure funding over the next four years.
... More Infrastructure to boost jobs and bust congestion ...
Terms matched: 1  -  25 Nov 2019
Business and Government leaders are meeting today for the launch of the Shaping Future Cities: Designing Western Sydney Report Card. The Report Ca...
... ' 200,000 jobs target already one ...
Terms matched: 1  -  20 Feb 2018
Since the introduction of the McGowan Government's WA Jobs Act in October 2018, about 2,700 local jobs and 134 local apprenticeships have been cre...
... Strategy delivering on local jobs and apprenticeships 01 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  01 Apr 2019
The Victorian Government will get shovels in the ground and thousands of people back to work, building the projects that matter to Victoria – and ...
... Building Works: More Jobs For Victorians 21 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  21 May 2020
Thousands of Victorian jobs seekers can train and upskill as part of the state’s biggest-ever public transport project thanks to the launch of Met...
... | More Metro Tunnel's Jobs Hub Drives Employment ...
Terms matched: 1  -  02 Aug 2018
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