Search results for: "act government" in all categories

89 results found.
A refresh of the ACT Planning Strategy has delivered a planning vision for the ACT that continues to provide for growth and supports strong commun...
... capital 20 December 2018 ACT Government: A ...
Terms matched: 1  -  20 Dec 2018
The Gungahlin Town Centre Planning Refresh has been issued today to guide the growth and development of the town centre in the coming years.
... Gungahlin 27 November 2018 ACT Government: The ...
Terms matched: 1  -  27 Nov 2018
Construction of a second electricity supply to the ACT has been approved. The construction of a second separate electricity supply for the ACT is ...
... in 21 November 2018 ACT Government: Construction ...
Terms matched: 1  -  21 Nov 2018
200 construction workers, senior managers and executives gathered at the 6th ACT/NSW Cross-Border Construction Project Breakfast today to continue...
... collaboration 19 November 2018 ACT Government: 200 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  19 Nov 2018
Canberra’s Light Rail project has reached a mammoth milestone with the last section of rail being installed along the Gungahlin to the City corrid...
... project 14 November 2018 ACT Government: Canberra's ...
Terms matched: 1  -  14 Nov 2018
The ACT Government is continuing to develop light rail for Canberra’s south after the release of a timely report today by the Joint Standing Commi...
... | More ACT Government clear to progress ...
Terms matched: 1  -  02 Nov 2018
The ACT has committed to rapidly phasing out traditional coal power by becoming the first Australian government to sign the Powering Past Coal All...
... coal 26 October 2018 ACT Government: The ...
Terms matched: 1  -  26 Oct 2018
This year there will be around one million square metres of road resurfacing across the ACT road network to extend the life span of our local road...
... roads 25 October 2018 ACT Government: This ...
Terms matched: 1  -  25 Oct 2018
The ACT Government is pleased to announce the release of the Better Suburbs Statement, which sets out a vision for the future of Canberra’s city s...
... suburbs 03 October 2018 ACT Government: The ...
Terms matched: 1  -  03 Oct 2018
The replacement of over half the ACT’s streetlights officially commenced today in Weston by leading provider Electrix Pty Ltd with Light Emitting ...
... reliability 21 September 2018 ACT Government: The ...
Terms matched: 1  -  21 Sep 2018
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