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McConnell Dowell is pleased to announce that Westland Milk Products has awarded McConnell Dowell the contract for the design and construction of t...
... ; 800 m new trenchless pipeline using the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  02 Oct 2019
Following geo-technical work in November 2019, the engineering solution design to divert the last three untreated wastewater coastal outfalls in S...
... allowing the use of trenchless drilling over longer ...
Terms matched: 1  -  02 Apr 2020
A Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) called ‘Blanche’ set a new world record when it reached 1496.48 metres - the longest ever stretch of pipe laid by th...
... personnel with their considerable trenchless technology expertise - ...
Terms matched: 1  -  30 Jul 2018
Queensland Urban Utilities is embracing innovative relining technology to rehabilitate water pipes in its network.
... . "Advances in trenchless technology keep coming ...
Terms matched: 1  -  29 Aug 2018
McConnell Dowell is pleased to announce the award of the St Marys Bay and Masefield Beach Water Quality Improvement Project by Auckland Council’s ...
... Our award-winning trenchless technology reduces the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  22 Jan 2020
Auckland water and wastewater services provider Watercare has awarded McConnell Dowell the Design & Build contract to construct Hunua 4 Sectio...
... install the pipe using trenchless methods almost entirely ...
Terms matched: 1  -  30 Jan 2017
A new stormwater outfall to be constructed at Army Bay near Whangaparaoa north of Auckland will be a construction first for New Zealand.
... Pipe is relatively new trenchless technology which combines ...
Terms matched: 1  -  23 Mar 2017
McConnell Dowell is pleased to announce that it has been awarded the design and construction contract for the Snells Algies Outfall Pipeline by Wa...
... a similar length of trenchless pipeline to that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  28 Mar 2019
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