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835 results found.
The Housing Infrastructure Fund will provide $300 million of infrastructure funding to Auckland Council for another 10,500 new houses across two m...
... 10,500 new houses for Auckland 27 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  27 Jul 2017
In the first of three years in the Imagine series, the theme of “At the water’s edge” continues in Sydney. Asia Society and AECOM held a discussio...
... rail could reduce the housing pressure and make ...
Terms matched: 1  -  27 Jul 2017
The future of motoring in Queensland was launched at Parliament House in Brisbane today – and it is electric. Environment Minister and Acting Main...
... was launched at Parliament House in Brisbane today ...
Terms matched: 1  -  31 Jul 2017
Lendlease today (18/07/2017) revealed a new flythrough video of Calderwood Valley, the largest masterplanned community in the booming Illawarra re...
... of affordable and quality housing offered by Calderwood ...
Terms matched: 1  -  31 Jul 2017
Muswellbrook Shire Council has awarded our Utilities business a $27m contract to construct the Muswellbrook Recycle Water Treatment Works (RWTW). ...
... located further away from residential areas. Muswellbrook ...
Terms matched: 1  -  01 Aug 2017
Infrastructure Australia, the nation's independent infrastructure advisor, has added Sydney Metro City & Southwest to the Infrastructure Priority ...
... will enable higher density residential development along the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  01 Aug 2017
The Government will co-invest up to $600 million alongside local councils and private investors in network infrastructure for big new housing deve...
... invest $600m in housing infrastructure 03 August ...
Terms matched: 1  -  03 Aug 2017
Premier Mark McGowan today launched one of the giant machines that will drill the tunnels for Perth's newest rail line. In the project's bigges...
... opened up whole new residential and business centres ...
Terms matched: 1  -  07 Aug 2017
The Greater Parramatta Priority Growth Area and the 20-year plan will deliver more homes, jobs, open space and services to cater for the city’s gr...
... More More jobs and housing for Greater Parramatta ...
Terms matched: 1  -  08 Aug 2017
A Planning Circular recently issued by the NSW Government outlining changes to the cap on local infrastructure contributions is likely to increase...
... Uncapped Tax on New Housing Supply will make ...
Terms matched: 1  -  10 Aug 2017
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