Search results for: "infrastructure partnerships australia" in category "News"

37 results found.
For the second year running NSW is leading the nation in infrastructure investment, with Victoria moving to second place and WA coming in last acc...
... by industry think tank Infrastructure Partnerships Australia. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  10 Sep 2018
Queensland’s major political parties are rejecting reality by ruling out the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s proposal to split an...
... says industry think tank Infrastructure Partnerships Australia. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  26 Jul 2018
The 2018-19 Queensland Budget has delivered a welcome focus on infrastructure, with Treasurer Jackie Trad turning around the trend decline in infr...
... says industry think tank Infrastructure Partnerships Australia. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  27 Jun 2018
Tonight’s Federal Budget sees infrastructure funding reduced by $2 billion over the forward estimates, meaning less cash for projects and more con...
... says industry think tank Infrastructure Partnerships Australia. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  14 May 2018
The Victorian Budget has set the pace for the nation, providing $40 billion of firm infrastructure funding built off the back of prudent financial...
... , says peak body Infrastructure Partnerships Australia. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  07 May 2018
A new major report by Infrastructure Partnerships Australia calls on the Federal Government to establish anindependent, world-leading freight body...
... new major report by Infrastructure Partnerships Australia calls ...
Terms matched: 1  -  02 May 2018
The national infrastructure sector welcomes today’s announcement from the Commonwealth Government that it will inject $5 billion into a rail link ...
... Melbourne Airport , says Infrastructure Partnerships Australia. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  19 Apr 2018
Infrastructure Partnerships Australia Chairman Adrian Kloeden announced that Infrastructure Australia’s executive Director and Head of Policy, Mr ...
... appointed new ceo at Infrastructure Partnerships Australia – ...
Terms matched: 1  -  24 Jan 2018
Infrastructure Partnerships Australia’s Australian Travel Time Metric - Australia’s first regular measurement of actual road network performance u...
... -- Source: Infrastructure Partnership Australia - ...
Terms matched: 1  -  14 Dec 2017
IPA Chairman Adrian Kloeden announced today that long-serving chief executive, Brendan Lyon, will depart at the end of his contract in Quarter 2 n...
... -- Source: Infrastructure Partnership Australia - ...
Terms matched: 1  -  27 Oct 2017
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