Search results for: "engineers australia" in all categories

42 results found.
New laws to reform the NSW building sector and to introduce a registration scheme for professional engineers have passed NSW Parliament. This is w...
... | More Engineers Australia welcomes historic new ...
Terms matched: 1  -  09 Jun 2020
“On behalf of the Engineering profession, Engineers Australia is pleased that the Government has committed to extend its reforms, including regist...
... the Engineering profession, Engineers Australia is pleased ...
Terms matched: 1  -  29 Oct 2019
“Engineers Australia has and continues to support the first recommendations in both the Shergold-Weir report and the Opal Tower report that there ...
... | More Statement from Engineers Australia, following ...
Terms matched: 1  -  16 Oct 2019
Engineering peak body Engineers Australia is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Bronwyn Evans HonFIEAust FTSE CPEng as Chief Executive Offi...
... | More Engineers Australia welcome new CEO ...
Terms matched: 1  -  23 Sep 2019
Infrastructure specialist Murray Kretschmer has been appointed Leader of Arup’s transport and resources business in Australasia. Arup’s Australasi...
... of the Institution of Engineers Australia . Arup's ...
Terms matched: 1  -  13 Sep 2019
Engineers Australia has welcomed the passage of the Professional Engineers Registration Bill 2019 through the Victorian Parliament, saying it will...
... | More Engineers Australia welcomes compulsory registration ...
Terms matched: 1  -  02 Sep 2019
A Four Corners investigation into Australia’s apartment building crisis has highlighted the need for urgent reform, says Engineers Australia CEO, ...
... urgent reform , says Engineers Australia CEO, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  30 Aug 2019
The Palaszczuk Government today released the State Infrastructure Plan (SIP) 2019 Update, highlighting the lowest infrastructure underspend in a d...
... Association of Queensland , Engineers Australia and Consult ...
Terms matched: 1  -  02 Aug 2019
Every year, create profiles 30 Australian engineers who are finding creative and innovative solutions to some of the world’s biggest challenges. E...
... , the publication of Engineers Australia . Now ...
Terms matched: 1  -  15 Jul 2019
Following a three year journey, a committee overseeing an upgrade to the management of subsurface utilities are celebrating with the release of Au...
... the beginning, canvassing Engineers Australia before getting ...
Terms matched: 1  -  21 May 2019
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