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298 results found.
The McGowan Government has implemented its ban on fracking for existing and future petroleum titles in the South-West, Peel and Perth metropolitan...
... Government - Contact ... // Comments ...
Terms matched: 2  -  14 Sep 2017
The McGowan Government is examining legislative solutions to provide assurance to the State's mining industry following the High Court decision la...
... Western Australia Government - Contact: Minister's ...
Terms matched: 1  -  15 Sep 2017
The McGowan Labor Government's first Budget delivers a record $2.7 billion towards roads to reduce congestion and create new local jobs.
... Government - Contact ... // Comments ...
Terms matched: 2  -  20 Sep 2017
The McGowan Labor Government's first Budget lays out a pathway for growth in regional Western Australia, investing more than $4 billion in creatin...
... Government - Contact ... // Comments ...
Terms matched: 2  -  21 Sep 2017
The McGowan Labor Government has fulfilled its commitment to support the development of a new $5.6 billion integrated iron ore development in the ...
... Western Australia Government - Contact: Premier's ...
Terms matched: 1  -  25 Sep 2017
Better land use and development outcomes around transport corridors such as METRONET are the aim of a revised State policy covering road and rail ...
... Western Australia Government - Contact: Premier's ...
Terms matched: 1  -  02 Oct 2017
Up to 200 jobs will be created as work is carried out to upgrade the Woodman Point Wastewater Treatment Plant in Munster. The $158.5 million proje...
... Western Australia Government - Contact: Minister's ...
Terms matched: 1  -  03 Oct 2017
Agriculture and Food Minister Alannah MacTiernan has urged Kimberley Agricultural Investment (KAI) to sign lease documentation provided by the Sta...
... Western Australia Government - Contact: Minister's ...
Terms matched: 1  -  05 Oct 2017
The McGowan Government is pleased to announce the value of the State's mineral and petroleum industry has again exceeded the $100 billion mark, re...
... Western Australia Government - Contact: Minister's ...
Terms matched: 1  -  09 Oct 2017
The State Government will use innovative technology to collaborate with the public as part of the Indian Ocean Drive Highway Safety Review. Road S...
... Government - Contact ... // ...
Terms matched: 2  -  11 Oct 2017
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