Significant regional investment to drive local jobs

21 September 2017

The McGowan Labor Government's first Budget lays out a pathway for growth in regional Western Australia, investing more than $4 billion in creating jobs and projects that really matter to regional communities.

Through Royalties for Regions, more than $1 billion will be invested in new projects in regional WA with an emphasis on job creation, regional health, mental health, education, roads and ports, tourism and economic development.

Significant investment into regional WA includes: 

The McGowan Labor Government is implementing its comprehensive Plan for Jobs to diversify Western Australia's economy and create new jobs in a broader range of industries. 

A total of $591 million will be invested in job-creating initiatives including:

The tourism industry will receive a boost as the McGowan Labor Government helps grow and maximise tourism's impact on creating jobs in regional WA. The 2017-18 State Budget includes:

The McGowan Labor Government is developing economic infrastructure in regional WA to support the diversification of our State's economy with $463 million allocated towards essential regional transport projects including:

Fixing dangerous country roads is one of the McGowan Labor Government's top priorities in regional Western Australia. 

The 2017-18 Budget includes a 20 per cent increase in regional road funding. Overall, regional road expenditure represents just over 50 per cent of the State's total spending on roads. 

Investing in roads supports local jobs throughout the supply chain in WA, while delivering infrastructure that makes a difference to communities.

The State Budget will fund key projects including:

An investment of more than $180 million in regional school upgrades will ensure WA country students are learning in facilities that best meet modern education needs. Regional schools that will be redeveloped over the Budget period include:

The McGowan Labor Government is putting education assistants back into regional classrooms and employing an extra 50 Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers to boost student learning.

Funding to appoint Independent Learning Coordinators in 10 regional schools will assist students undertaking courses through the School of Isolated and Distance Education.

The establishment of a Regional Learning Specialist team in curriculum areas of science, social science, mathematics and English will also ensure students and Independent Learning Coordinators are better supported.

State Budget funding will also subsidise regional TAFE students to support them through their vocational studies as they learn skills on the job.  

The McGowan Labor Government is putting patients first and getting on with its commitment to deliver quality health and mental health care in the regions with investment to provide:

The McGowan Labor Government is leading the agenda - creating safer communities, protecting vulnerable children, families and seniors and implementing its Methamphetamine Action Plan which includes the establishment of the Meth Border Force for WA. The State Budget will provide:

A strong investment in community infrastructure and services in regional WA include:

The McGowan Labor Government is investing more than $126 million in the protection and enhancement of cultural and environmental values, while creating new recreational opportunities in conservation areas. The State Budget will provide:

This is the first stage in the implementation of the McGowan Labor Government's investment in regional Western Australia. Planning and scoping of additional projects will be announced as part of subsequent budgets.

For more 2017-18 State Budget information, visit

Comments attributed to Premier Mark McGowan:

"The Royalties for Regions fund, framework and legislation will continue, as we have made clear, however we are ensuring funding is spent wisely on projects that people really need.

"We want to unleash the economic potential of regional WA through tourism, agriculture, aquaculture and other growth industries to create long-term jobs for all Western Australians."

Comments attributed to Regional Development Minister Alannah MacTiernan:

"There is plenty of good news for regional WA in our Government's first Budget - we're investing in initiatives that will grow and diversify the economy from Broome to Esperance.

"This is a Budget that strikes the balance between retaining critical existing regional projects and fulfilling our Government's job-generating election commitments in the regions."

Comments attributed to Treasurer Ben Wyatt:

"More than $674 million is being invested in delivering election commitments in regional WA - towards projects that are going to make a real difference to people living in the regions.

"The McGowan Labor Government is focused on meeting financial targets and delivering projects on time and on budget, which will ensure better service delivery for regional communities."




Source:  Western Australia Government -

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