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929 results found.
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Rail is essential for a modern, multi-modal and interconnected transport network. As cities expand, suburbs sprawl, and environments are impacted...
... Keeping the future of rail on track 02 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  02 Aug 2019
With record investment in passenger and freight rail in the region, Stefan Sanders has been appointed Arup Australasia’s new Rail Advisory Leader.
... | More Global rail expert heads up ...
Terms matched: 1  -  12 May 2020
The 2017–18 Budget delivers a transformational next step in the Coalition Government's record investment in infrastructure—improving connectivity,...
... More Delivering Road and Rail Infrastructure Today and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  11 May 2017
The Federal Government’s $20 billion investment in rail announced in the 2017-2018 Budget brings rail strongly into focus and is supported by the ...
... More Bold Plans Bring Rail into Focus 11 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  11 May 2017
Rail Projects Victoria has appointed Arup as its Rail Operational Planning Adviser as the State delivers its record program of rail investment.
... advises on growing Victorian rail network 22 April ...
Terms matched: 1  -  22 Apr 2020
A fast developing skilled labour crisis in the rail sector will deliver a substantial blow out in project costs and delivery delays to rail projec...
... | More Rail Sector Skills Crisis - ...
Terms matched: 1  -  13 Dec 2018
Today marks the commemoration of exactly 100 years since the completion of the iconic Trans-Australian Railway, which connected Western Australia ...
... More Trans-Australian Railway Centenary Heralds Inland ...
Terms matched: 1  -  26 Oct 2017
Following the release of the 2017 Federal Budget, the Australian Government committed to a AUD20 billion investment in rail infrastructure project...
... Aurecon builds strength in rail and mass transit ...
Terms matched: 1  -  27 Oct 2017
The Government has released its long term vision for a sustainable 21st Century rail network that gets our cities moving, connects our regions and...
... for the future of rail 13 January 2020 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  13 Jan 2020
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Michael McCormack and Victorian Minister for Public Transport and Major Projec...
... | More Inland Rail and Regional Rail ...
Terms matched: 1  -  22 Mar 2018
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