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1631 results found.
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The Territory Labor Government is investing in job-creating, CBD-revitalising infrastructure, releasing a $32 million tender to construct an under...
... | More Creating jobs: $32 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  30 Jan 2018
The Territory Government has announced design details for the construction of new marine facilities at Mandorah, a project that will create jobs a...
... | More Creating jobs, Supporting Construction ...
Terms matched: 1  -  28 Feb 2019
More than 500 new jobs are set to be created in East Gippsland on the back of a new multi-million dollar investment in the Stockman zinc-copper mi...
... | More Jobs Boost For Gippsland With ...
Terms matched: 1  -  18 Dec 2017
A waste to energy facility in Creswick is transforming organic waste and boosting local job and business opportunities, thanks to a funding boost ...
... | More Driving Jobs In Regional Victoria ...
Terms matched: 1  -  07 Jan 2020
Thousands of new homes, new industrial complexes and six schools are among the first wave of projects that will have their assessments fast-tracke...
... planning projects to deliver jobs and boost the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  29 Apr 2020
The first North Queensland Regional Plan has now been finalised and will guide job creation and growth in the region over the next 25 years.
... finalised to create more jobs 06 March 2020 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  06 Mar 2020
The Greater Parramatta Priority Growth Area and the 20-year plan will deliver more homes, jobs, open space and services to cater for the city’s gr...
... | More More jobs and housing for ...
Terms matched: 1  -  08 Aug 2017
With more than $50 million in projects currently underway and around $500 million of investment works in the planning, Townsville Port will be rea...
... for trade boom stimulating jobs and economy 07 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  07 Jul 2017
The Territory Labor Government will invest an additional $2.44 million over the next two years to attract and deliver new major projects to the NT...
... Major Projects and Create Jobs 11 April 2018 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  11 Apr 2018
Australia’s first six star green star city, Stockland’s $5 billion Aura project on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, today celebrated the start of cons...
... first business park signals jobs boom for the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  05 Sep 2017
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