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Austroads is developing a comprehensive suite of specifications for the construction of roads and bridges known as Austroads Technical Specificati...
... | More Harmonised Austroads Technical Specifications for ...
Terms matched: 1  -  04 Feb 2020
Austroads has published a report that compares the Austroads Data Standard with buildingSMARTS’s IFC4 and Uniclass 2015. All are works in progress.
... | More Preparing Austroads' Asset Data ...
Terms matched: 1  -  29 Mar 2018
Aurecon has been awarded three contracts to develop the first parts of the new Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management Practice. The Safet...
... | More Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic ...
Terms matched: 1  -  20 Apr 2017
Austroads has published a report proposing a knowledge sharing framework for the Austroads Data Standard including the development of a proof of c...
... knowledge sharing framework for Austroads Data Standard released ...
Terms matched: 1  -  09 Nov 2018
Arup’s transport specialists will advise and undertake on behalf of Austroads, their study into the Implications of in-vehicle Traffic Sign Recogn...
... | More Austroads engages Arup on Connected ...
Terms matched: 1  -  07 Dec 2017
The PDFs of all Austroads' Guides are now freely available to all. This is in preparation for our new website, due to be launched at the end of Au...
... | More Austroads Guides now freely available ...
Terms matched: 1  -  11 Jul 2018
Austroads has published the second version of the Data Standard for Road Management and Investment. The Austroads Road Data Standard Project was i...
... More Second edition of Austroads' Data Standard ...
Terms matched: 1  -  06 Jul 2018
Austroads has released an updated Guide to Bridge Technology to align with the recently revised AS 5100 and changes in industry practice.
... | More Austroads Guide to Bridge Technology ...
Terms matched: 1  -  09 Mar 2018
Austroads has released a summary of the long-term pavement performance (LTPP) monitoring project activities undertaken in 2016–17.
... knowledge 22 March 2018 Austroads : Austroads has ...
Terms matched: 1  -  22 Mar 2018
Austroads has published a compendium of recent evidence on the relationships between 20 key geometric road design criteria and safety outcomes.
... safety 16 May 2017 Austroads has published a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  16 May 2017
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