Search results for: "15 year" "infrastructure plan" in all categories

6 results found containing all search terms.
As we begin a new year and look towards a future with a projected population growth to 31 million over the next 15 years, it’s evident that the bo...
... the next 15 years ... More Politicised Infrastructure Planning ...
Terms matched: 2  -  17 Mar 2020
A new wave of investment and reform is needed to ensure Australia’s infrastructure continues to support our quality of life and economic productiv...
... the next 15 years ... centre of infrastructure planning ...
Terms matched: 2  -  19 Aug 2019
Infrastructure Australia has welcomed the Australian Government’s appointment of Mr Peter Harris AO and Ms Samantha Hogg to the Board of Infrastru...
... out a 15- ... 2016 Australian Infrastructure Plan ...
Terms matched: 2  -  13 Mar 2019
New economic modelling released by Infrastructure Australia shows that introducing incentive payments to encourage the states and territories to p...
... in the 15- ... Australian Infrastructure Plan to ...
Terms matched: 2  -  12 Jun 2018
Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, Nicole Manison has approved an updated Area Plan for the $300 million Berrimah Farm redevelop...
... 10-15 year ... Minister for Infrastructure, ...
Terms matched: 2  -  15 Mar 2017
Infrastructure Australia, the nation's independent infrastructure advisor, has positively assessed the business cases for Melbourne Metro and the ...
... the next 15 years ... The Australian Infrastructure Plan ...
Terms matched: 2  -  27 Jan 2017
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