Jobs to flow with Spit master plan bill introduced

05 December 2019

The next stage of the Palaszczuk Government’s plan to revitalise The Spit on the Gold Coast was delivered today, with the introduction of the Implementation of The Spit Master Plan Bill 2019 in Parliament today.

As part of the Bill, Gold Coast Waterways Authority (GCWA) will be charged with delivering the projects set out in the master plan.

Minister for State Development Cameron Dick said the master plan projects will create around 1800 jobs during the life of the project, and that the legislation’s introduction was an important step to bring these jobs to the Gold Coast.

“The Implementation of The Spit Master Plan Bill 2019 reflects the Palaszczuk Government’s commitment to delivering this master plan for the Gold Coast community,” Mr Dick said.

“Through the master plan our government has committed $60 million towards job-creating projects, and having legislation in place to ensure the plan is delivered in line with community expectations is one of the most important steps in the whole process.

“From the beginning we’ve said The Spit master plan was for the community, by the community, so it’s only right the projects that make up the master plan will be driven by a trusted local organisation like the Gold Coast Waterways Authority.

“The bill will also support the release of sites identified in the master plan for commercial and retail development via long-term lease arrangements.

Member for Gaven Meaghan Scanlon said the rejuvenation of The Spit was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the city.

“This master plan is the trigger for increased private-sector investment and more jobs in more industries on the Gold Coast,” Ms Scanlon said.

“We’ve engaged with the local community throughout the entire master plan process to get the balance right between protecting environmental and community values and facilitating appropriate development.”

Gold Coast Waterways Authority CEO Hal Morris said GCWA had already commenced work on key projects for The Spit.

“We have already started on the scoping, planning and design work for projects including improvements to the Seaway Promenade, infrastructure works on the Moondarewa Spit, and shared pathways linking the Muriel Henchman precinct to Doug Jennings Park,” Mr Morris said.

“The development of the master plan was driven by the community and we hope to see that level of engagement and enthusiasm throughout the implementation too.”

Mr Dick said the bill is expected to take effect from March 2020, subject to passing.

Key government agencies were consulted during the drafting of the bill, with wider consultation to be undertaken by the State Development, Natural Resources and Agricultural Industry Development Committee.




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