Have your say: Kellyville, Bella Vista Metro concept plans

05 November 2019

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment is calling for community feedback on Landcom’s concept plans for new residential, retail and commercial development near the Kellyville and Bella Vista metro stations.

The two State Significant Development (SSD) concept proposals also include subdivision, new parks and community facilities.

The Department’s Executive Director of Key Sites, Anthea Sargeant, said community input is a vital part of the planning process and encouraged everyone to have their say. 

“The Kellyville Station Precinct proposal will provide between 1410 and 1804 new homes, five per cent of which would be affordable housing.

The proposal includes apartments and terrace housing, and future buildings will range from seven metres up to 50 metres high,” Ms Sargeant said.

“The proposal also includes retail floor space, new parks and public domain works.”

The Bella Vista Station Precinct proposal will provide between 2,905 and 3,822 new homes, five per cent of which will be affordable housing. The proposal includes apartments and terrace housing, and future buildings will range from seven metres up to 68 metres high.

The proposal also includes retail and commercial floor space, a new primary school, new parks and public domain works and new community facilities.

“We want to hear the community’s views on both plans for Kellyville and Bella Vista Station Precincts,” Ms Sargeant said.

“Community input is essential to help us make a thorough and rigorous assessment and ensure potential impacts are fully considered. 

“Once the exhibition closes, the Department will consider all community submissions received, along with feedback from other government agencies and councils.”

Have your say on the Kellyville Station Precinct Proposal, https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-projects/project/14181.

Have your say on the Bella Vista Precinct Concept Proposal, https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-projects/project/14186.

Both exhibitions close on 26 November 2019.




Source:  NSW Government - www.planning.nsw.gov.au

Contact:  N/A

External Links: 

Have your say on the Kellyville Station Precinct Proposal, https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-projects/project/14181.

Have your say on the Bella Vista Precinct Concept Proposal, https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-projects/project/14186.

Recent news by:  NSW Government