Road and Rail Investment to Boost NSW

25 November 2019

The New South Wales economy will be boosted by a $570 million infrastructure package to bust congestion and make regional roads safer.

The Morrison Government has been working with states and territories to bring forward critical road projects across Australia to drive jobs, strengthen the economy and get people home sooner and safer.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the NSW package included the acceleration of $530 million in federal funding across three major regional projects that would increase safety, improve freight productivity and boost tourism.

The Prime Minister said $212 million of the new package would be spent in the next 18 months as part of a $33 billion investment in NSW infrastructure from the Federal Government since the 2013 election. 

“We’re bringing forward these important projects to cut travel times and make roads safer while boosting jobs and the economy,” the Prime Minister said.

“We can get these projects moving because of our responsible economic management rather than the sort of knee-jerk reactions we’ve seen in the past from Labor. This is a key part of our plan for a stronger economy and our pipeline of $100 billion worth of congestion-busting roads and rail.

“We’re also injecting $20 million in extra funding for the final link of the vital Pacific Highway upgrade and we’ve locked in $8.8 million for the Brig O’Johnston Bridge project at Clarence Town and $7.9 million for the Davey Road Interchange in Albury.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the Australian Government was investing heavily in key roads in regional NSW that are vital to improved safety and supporting the economy through improved connectivity to the regions and to our markets.

“The Government recognises the need for these key rural roads to receive the upgrades they need to be safer, more efficient transport corridors as soon as possible,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

“That is why we are bringing forward $185 million for the Toowoomba to Seymour corridor under the Roads of Strategic Importance initiative, with significant funding already allocated to Stage 2 of the Newell Highway’s Mungle Back Creek to Boggabilla project and $23 million allocated to the upgrade and sealing of priority sections of Tooraweenah Road.

“We are also accelerating a $200 million investment in the Newell Highway to support construction of the Parkes Bypass and the delivery of Inland Rail, as well as $145 million for the Princes Highway corridor, including the Milton-Ulladulla Bypass.”

Premier of NSW Gladys Berejiklian said the Australian and NSW governments had a strong record of working together to deliver crucial road and rail projects.

“Whether it’s completing the duplication of the Pacific Highway through to the Queensland border by 2020, including our massive joint investment in the Coffs Harbour Bypass, or delivering congestion-busting urban projects like WestConnex and NorthConnex, the results of our two governments’ close working relationship are plain for all to see,” the Premier said.

“I am especially pleased that accelerated federal funding for key initiatives such as the Newell Highway upgrades, and the Princes Highway corridor will enable us to get on with the job of delivering the state’s record infrastructure investment program.”

Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure Alan Tudge said the Government is getting on with the job of delivering congestion-busting projects for the people of NSW.

“We are continuing to work with the NSW Government to deliver signature projects in Sydney and across the State, including NorthConnex and Westconnex.”

“At the same time we are tackling local pinch points and smaller traffic headaches with our Urban Congestion Fund that will deliver 49 projects across Sydney and surrounds.”

NSW Minister for Transport and Roads Andrew Constance welcomed the deal.

“Across the state, $55.6 billion is being invested in transport and roads infrastructure over the next four years, and we are pleased to be able to accelerate the delivery of some of the highest priority projects thanks to the Federal Government’s support,” Minister Constance said.

NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole said the package announced today was a big win for regional areas would help fast track benefits of infrastructure investment for the bush.

“This is a fantastic example of federal and state governments working closely together to deliver concrete outcomes across the state, including for regional communities,” Minister Toole said.

Project funding brought forward

$185 million for the $300 million Toowoomba to Seymour (NSW section) Roads of Strategic Importance (ROSI) package

$200 million for the $400 million Newell Highway Upgrades package

$145 million for the $500 million Princes Highway Corridor (NSW) package

Additional Funding

$20 million for the Pacific Highway Woolgoolga to Ballina project

$4 million for the $20 million Dixons Long Point Crossing project

Confirmed funding

 $8.8 million for the Brig O’Johnston Bridge project

$7.9 million for the Davey Road Interchange project




Source:  Australian Government -

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