Reducing greenhouse gas from landfill

01 October 2019

Minister for Recycling and Waste Reduction Chris Steel today announced the appointment of LGI Limited to deliver gas infrastructure services at ACT Government landfill sites.

"Methane gas is generated when organic waste in landfill decomposes," said Minister Steel.

"If properly managed, gas can be extracted and used to generate electricity, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions at the same time."

Minister Steel said that the contract will see an estimated 34,900 megawatt hours captured each year – enough to power 5,370 homes.

"The ACT Government has been capturing methane emissions at ACT landfills since 1997," said Minister Steel.

"The new 15-year contract with LGI Limited will see infrastructure upgrades at Mugga Lane landfill, including at least four power generators at Mugga Lane, each with the capacity of producing 1.06 megawatts of energy per hour."

Minister Steel said LGI Limited would also install an enclosed flare at the old West Belconnen landfill to manage the safe destruction of gas onsite, as the volumes are not enough to provide a commercially viable quantity for sale.

Minister Steel said that in the longer term the ACT Government was examining ways to reduce organic waste, with over 140,000 tonnes going to landfill each year.

"Around one-third of material in ACT household rubbish bins is food and garden waste," said the Minister.

"The ACT Government is planning for a food organics collection service to divert this waste from landfill and instead turn it into valuable organic compost products."




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