New plan to revitalise Gungahlin

22 October 2019

Gungahlin residents are invited to comment on a new plan seeking to grow business and housing opportunities in their town centre while preserving its village feel.  

Minister Suzanne Orr, representing Minister for Planning and Land Management Mick Gentleman, today joined fellow Yerrabi MLAs Michael Pettersson and Deepak Raj-Gupta to announce that key recommendations of the Gungahlin Planning Refresh are included in a draft variation to the Territory Plan.

"The Gungahlin town centre has grown and evolved since the last planning study in 2010, attracting new residents, business and investment. Light rail is also changing the centre’s dynamics," Minister Orr said.

The government is seeking community feedback on the draft variation to the Territory Plan, which includes a planning framework to implement the recommendations of the 2018 Gungahlin Planning Refresh.

Minister Orr said the refresh gives a coherent plan for growth that balances the opportunities for different types of development over coming years.

"Buildings of up to ten storeys will be permitted along the light rail corridor, stepping down to six and three storeys on the town centre fringe. A minimum building height of four storeys will be permitted along Flemington Road and three storeys along the northern side of The Valley Avenue."

"We know people want to see more community facilities in the town centre, so the draft variation allows for community facilities close to public transport stations and to be housed within mixed-use developments."

"The eastern part of the town centre will become even livelier, with changes that encourage mixed-use development and night-time activities for residents."

Mr Pettersson said there will also be more business and employment opportunities in Gungahlin with more office buildings planned for the town centre.

"We know the Gungahlin community wants to see more employment opportunities within the town centre that is why two large blocks of land in the centre will be reserved for large-scale office buildings. They are close to the light rail corridor to make it easy for office workers to commute,"

"There are already some positive signs of renewed interest in the centre with Defence Housing Australia recently announcing it would bring its headquarters and 290 employees to the centre. We look forward to seeing more interest in our town centre."

Mr Raj-Gupta encouraged local residents to have their say on the draft variation.

"Comments from local residents on the draft variation will ensure the community continues to be involved in the development of their town centre."

"The community was also closely involved in the development of the planning refresh through the YourSay website and several 'meet the planner' and ‘planning in the pub’ sessions."

A 'meet the planners' session will be held on 12 October for the community to discuss the Territory Plan changes. Public comments are invited until 18 November 2019.

View the plans and have your say at:




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