NSW Building Commissioner appointed


15 August 2019

Home owners will be better protected following the appointment of building and construction expert David Chandler OAM as NSW Building Commissioner.

The Building Commissioner will be responsible for:

Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the appointment of Mr Chandler was part of the NSW Government’s commitment to implementing the biggest overhaul to building laws in the State’s history.

“David has more than 40 years’ industry experience, which will be invaluable as we move to restore confidence in the building and construction industry,” Ms Berejiklian said.

“We know there are national challenges affecting the industry, but this new appointment will play a key role in protecting NSW homeowners and driving critical reforms.”

Under legislation to be introduced later this year:

Minister for Better Regulation Kevin Anderson said the Building Commissioner’s priority will be to continue the extensive work already started by the NSW Government to reform the building and construction industry by lifting building standards across NSW and ensuring better protections for homeowners and purchasers.

Mr Chandler has welcomed the opportunity to work with the Government to strengthen the building and construction industry.

“Recent events have reduced community confidence in how buildings are designed and constructed and how they perform, but I welcome the leadership and commitment being shown by the Government to implement change that will strengthen the construction industry foundations in NSW,” Mr Chandler said.

Mr Chandler will start in the position on 14 August 2019.




Source:  NSW Government - www.nsw.gov.au

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