An Australian First: Introducing ViroDecs™, Holcim’s range of ready-mix concrete with an Environmental Product Declaration


22 August 2019

In an Australian first, Holcim has published an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for its ready-mix concrete range known as ViroDecs™.

This groundbreaking initiative will help shape the way the construction industry analyses the environmental impacts of buildings and infrastructure. 

As the first concrete manufacturer in Australia to undertake an ISO compliant study and independent verification process, Holcim can now quantify for customers the total environmental impacts of its ready-mix concrete.

The data will enable Australian developers and builders to make more environmentally sustainable construction material selections without compromising on performance.

The publication constitutes a major investment in comprehensively analysing and communicating to customers the embodied environmental impacts of Holcim’s Ready-mix concrete. 

Holcim CEO George Agriogiannis says the development of a concrete EPD is a critical missing piece to having all key infrastructure and building products represented by an EPD in Australia. 

“Holcim ViroDecs™ sets a clear commitment to providing accurate and transparent environmental data for our customers, and a framework for continued improvement on Holcim’s part.”

Environmental Product Declarations are a comprehensive disclosure of a product’s environmental lifecycle impacts and other relevant information in accordance with international standards^. 

The document covers the first three core stages of the product lifecycle, including raw material extraction, transport of raw materials, and product manufacturing.

Holcim’s ViroDecs™ EPD meets strict international (ISO) and European (EN) standards, is independently verified, and registered by EPD Australasia and the International EPD System. 

Providing an edge for industry, Holcim's ViroDecs™ can also contribute to achieving points in Green Star and Infrastructure Sustainability rating schemes - an advantage to customers wanting to be leaders in the sustainable infrastructure and building industry.

ViroDecs™ EPD is just one of a series of new sustainability measures driven by the LafargeHolcim 2030 Sustainability Strategy,

The ViroDecs™ EPD is now available for public viewing online,

^In accordance with ISO 14025 and EN 15804+A1




Source:  Holcim -

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