Infrastructure to the rescue: Investment Monitor Q2 2019

28 August 2019

The slowdown in the global economy is flowing through to Australian investment conditions.

Releasing the latest edition of Deloitte Access Economics’ quarterly Investment Monitor, Deloitte Access Economics partner and report lead author, Stephen Smith, said: “Measures of global business confidence have fallen to their lowest levels in almost five years amid trade tensions and political uncertainty, prompting many businesses to delay their capital expenditure plans.

“But there are a number of reasons why the outlook for investment in Australia is better than it is elsewhere. State and federal governments are continuing to deliver record amounts of infrastructure investment, the large mining-related falls in activity are now in the past, while some miners are investing in new or expanded mines to reach production targets. And despite the slowdown in economic growth, business profits continue to increase.

“But to be clear, the long-awaited recovery in business investment is encountering some rising challenges For example, capacity utilisation, a key leading indicator of investment, has faded alongside the pace of Australian growth over the last year or so.

“Deloitte Access Economics is forecasting private business investment to remain relatively flat in 2019, before recovering to grow at a faster rate than overall real GDP in 2020 and 2021.”

The shift in project activity from the nation's north and west towards the south and east is continuing. New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland now account for more than three fifths of all definite project investment (those projects under construction or committed), up from a low of less than two fifths in late 2016.

The three states also account for three fifths of all planned project activity, the highest share seen since Investment Monitor began keeping records in March 2001. This is partly due to the large amount being invested in infrastructure in Australia's eastern states, as well as the end of construction at a number of major mining projects in other states.

“Recent months have also seen a renewed focus on infrastructure investment as a means of stimulating the Australian economy,” Smith said.

“The federal government is investigating whether construction at small-to-medium sized projects can be brought forward, while the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia has called on both federal and state governments to increase investment.

“But there are a number of challenges to overcome when adding to the existing pipeline of infrastructure developments or fast-tracking particular projects.

“Government finances are constrained, while the record amount of infrastructure activity currently underway has led to anecdotal reports of shortages in skilled labour and materials. These potential shortages can lead to cost overruns and delays in delivering projects.”

The record pipeline of infrastructure projects is led by a number of large road and rail developments, with major project activity expected to reach a peak of around $22 billion in 2022.

Key figures for the June quarter include:

Deloitte Access Economics’ Investment Monitor is primarily a source of information for businesses and others about major engineering and commercial construction projects and their promoters. It is also a barometer of structural change in the Australian economy, and of the investment climate – now and in the future.

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