ISCA Impacts Report 2019


23 July 2019

The ISCA Impacts Report is a showcase of the infrastructure industry’s remarkable achievements in sustainability. The report documents the industry’s lifecycle impacts (energy, water and materials reductions), the number of sustainability innovations recorded, and the contribution towards a circular economy. There is also a collection of case studies and stories from some of the industry’s leading stakeholders, in ANZ and beyond.

Right across the infrastructure sector, from rail to waste water treatment, sustainable outcomes are a measured reality across most infrastructure projects in Australia and New Zealand (ANZ).  ISCA’s purpose is to accelerate sustainability through collaboration, and this year the industry has excelled once again from the positive through partnerships and teamwork.

Collaboration, community-based engagement and industry-wide partnerships have been integral to the immense successes across the infrastructure sustainability industry.

The infrastructure sector across ANZ has worked collectively to achieve some real wins for the past calendar year. Over these 12 months, 18 projects equating to 12.6bn of investment have created 1.29 million improved customer experiences. This translates to improved daily traffic on roads, higher capacity of passengers on rail networks, less energy usage across households and more. Outlining some of the great benefits IS has across a wide section of the community, the industry has seen high levels of job creation across the sector with a huge 15,900 jobs created through construction and  operation phases of infrastructure projects. These results speak of the hard work and passion for sustainability that exits within the industry and with stakeholders.

Your impact – all projects as built certified:


Sustainability is no longer a nice-to-have – the industry is now driving real outcomes and real change in society. The 2019 ISCA Impacts Report is a comprehensive documentation of the industry’s great achievements, for the benefit of all community members both now and in the future. ISCA’s purpose is to accelerate sustainability in infrastructure. This is achieved through partnerships with our broad base of members and stakeholders, as system and sector-wide change is only possible through collaboration. Your success is our success.

This report features contributions from:

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