AFS Systems achieves CodeMark Australia Certification


31 May 2019

Rediwall® PVC Walling System is fully compliant and fit for purpose

Australian walling system manufacturer AFS Systems has taken another major leap forward, with its rediwall® system having now achieved CodeMark certification.

With its logicwall® system already having previously achieved CodeMark® Certification, this reinforces that both AFS systems comply with the National Construction Code (NCC) and evidences their suitability for use in the design of a concrete structure.

“Rediwall’s recent CodeMark Certificate of Conformity will provide further confidence and save architects, engineers, builders, specifiers and certifiers valuable time in ensuring rediwall® is fully compliant and fit for purpose – benefiting key stakeholders at every stage of a construction project,” says AFS Technical & Engineering Services Manager, Garry Kwok.

AFS is a division of building products leader CSR, and its decision to undertake CodeMark Certification was also about continuing its parent company’s tradition of providing peace of mind for clients and continuing to show leadership within the construction industry to provide quality and innovative building products and systems.


“Achieving CodeMark Certification means that the structural, fire, weatherproofing, acoustic and thermal performance credentials of the rediwall® system is now confirmed in a single overarching, independent, universally accepted certificate, which will mean considerable time savings for clients,” Garry says.

“The end-to-end nature of the CodeMark Certification also means users can specify the rediwall® system with confidence that it complies with all relevant aspects of the National Construction Code (NCC). The key advantage to the client is that it provides the principle certifier authority (PCA) with a readily recognised evidence of suitability as per A2.2 of the NCC. It allows the PCA to readily accept that the product complies with all the relevant requirements.”

“At AFS we have focused on designing an innovative, compliant product to meet the requirements of the building community – and this certification continues to reinforce that.”

CodeMark is an independent building product certification scheme administered by the Australian Building Codes Board. It supports the use of new and innovative building products by providing a nationally and internationally accepted process for them to be assessed for compliance with the requirements of the building codes of Australia.

AFS’s Rediwall® system is a PVC permanent formwork system and a time-saving alternative to conventional masonry and blockwork. Its precision-extruded components easily snap or slide together to interconnect for rapid installation.


Key points of the CodeMark Certification:

*Note: The National Construction Code (NCC) comprises the Building Code of Australia (BCA), Volume One and Volume Two; and the Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA) as Volume Three.




Source:  AFS -


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