Market-led Proposals policy to drive innovation and create jobs

10 April 2019

The McGowan Government's new policy to manage Market-led Proposals (MLPs), harness innovative ideas from the private sector and create jobs for Western Australians is set to commence next month.

MLPs are proposals from the private or not-for-profit sector to build or finance infrastructure, or provide goods or services where the State Government has not requested the proposal.

These proposals are generally outside of the normal competitive procurement processes of government but may deliver value to the community, with the new policy setting out a framework to evaluate the merits of these proposals.

Currently, the State Government does not have a whole-of-government policy to manage unsolicited proposals from the private sector.

The MLP policy will act as an avenue for industry and will provide a single clear, consistent and transparent process for parties seeking to approach government with unsolicited proposals.

A steering committee, with an independent chairperson, will also be established to evaluate the proposals, ensure collaboration across government and provide recommendations directly to Cabinet. All proposals will be undertaken with the highest levels of probity, consistent with the public interest.

There are whole-of-government policies for dealing with MLPs in every State or Territory except in Western Australia. The McGowan Government's policy draws on the policies in these States and has taken into account feedback from industry and stakeholders in Western Australia.

The policy will commence operation on April 12 and will include an online portal at with all the relevant information and tools for industry to submit proposals.

Comments attributed to Premier Mark McGowan:

"WA has not had a consistent or simple process that encourages and facilitates private sector investment in our economy.

"Our Market-led Proposals policy creates a more streamlined, innovative way for businesses and government to work together to create a stronger economy and jobs for Western Australians.

"The policy will unleash private sector ideas, providing new opportunities to get projects up and help boost our economy.

"It will allow government to harness good ideas and promote private sector investment. This is all about helping industry and business to do what they do best via a clear, consistent and transparent process.

"Western Australia has been crying out for a better process to manage unsolicited proposals from the private sector that fall outside the normal competitive processes, but could deliver huge benefits to the State.

"The Market-led Proposals policy marks the delivery of another important election commitment that will help grow our economy and create jobs."




Source:  Western Australia Government -

Contact: Premier's office - 6552 5000

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