150,000 new jobs to be created as part of the ‘Our Priorities’ vision

01 March 2019

An additional 150,000 Western Australian jobs will be created, as part of the 'Our Priorities: Sharing Prosperity' program announced today by Premier Mark McGowan.

The Our Priorities program consists of six key outcome areas and 12 priorities, or targets. The targets set are ambitious and will require a sustained focus by the State Government.

As promised at the election, the McGowan Government's targets will require collaboration across government and the wider community to achieve the outcomes expected.

Each priority includes measurable targets for Ministers and senior public servants that can be transparently tracked on the program's website. The Our Priorities program includes:

A strong economy:

A bright future:

A liveable environment:

A safer community:

Regional prosperity:

Deliver stronger regional economies: By 2023-24, increase the number of employed persons in regional WA by 30,000.

Aboriginal wellbeing:

Reduce the overrepresentation of Aboriginal people in custody: By 2028-29, reduce the number of Aboriginal adults in prison by 23 per cent from 2017-18 numbers.
A new, standalone unit will be established within the Department of the Premier and Cabinet to help guide the implementation of the priorities program.

In addition to the 12 targets, the final report of the Sustainable Health Review will be handed down in coming weeks with recommendations to guide an implementation program to drive better health outcomes for patients.

The Public Sector Commissioner will work on the best way forward for linking the salaries of directors general and chief executive officers to the 12 key targets. It is anticipated a model will be ready to be rolled out after the expiry of the four-year pay freeze for senior public servants, which was introduced by the McGowan Government.

For more information, visit http://www.ourpriorities.wa.gov.au

Comments attributed to Premier Mark McGowan:

"Our Priorities sets out the task ahead for our State, so we all share in our prosperity.

"It is a visionary program that sets our State up for the future. We will own the challenges we face and take on the responsibility of implementing real, positive change.

"Creating jobs is the best way we can do that, and that's why I'm committed to creating an additional 150,000 jobs - including an extra 30,000 jobs in regional WA.

"The same-old business as usual approach of government needs to evolve.

"I realise that by setting our targets, they will define my job as Premier of Western Australia.

"That's why they are not just about words on a piece of paper - they include measurable targets that holds my Government to account, in a transparent manner.

"The launch of these whole-of-government targets marks the first step in establishing a new way forward for government to work with community and business, to create a brighter future for every Western Australian."




Source:  Western Australia Government - www.mediastatements.wa.gov.au

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