Creating Jobs: Masterplan for the Civic and State Square Precinct Awarded

08 March 2019

The Territory Labor Government is transforming Darwin’s CBD in partnership with the Australian Government and City of Darwin through a 10-year, $200 million city deal.

As part of the historic deal, Darwin’s Civic and State Square precinct will be revitalised to create cool, green spaces for the whole community including families, friends and tourists to enjoy through activated spaces, events and public gatherings.

Critical to this work is the creation of a Masterplan for the Civic and State Square precinct, which has just been awarded to Taylor Cullity Lethlean Limited, in partnership with local award winning firm, Troppo Architects, Hully Liveris Design Com Pty Ltd, and Irwin Consult Engineering Consultants.

Taylor Cullity Lethlean have a breadth of experience delivering contemporary and quality lifestyle public spaces, including Victoria and Henley Square in Adelaide, Elizabeth Quay in Perth and the Auckland Waterfront.

The Masterplan will map out areas for revitalisation, investment and upgrades, establishing a thriving, beating heart in the CBD through greater connectivity.

Enabling projects such as the underground car park have already commenced, to unlock green spaces with the removal of four heat generating above ground car parks.

The Masterplan will also consider potential locations for the planned Art Gallery, in conjunction with the 10 Year Museums Masterplan for Darwin and Palmerston which will be released in coming months, and the demolition of the Chan Building to create more green space and connectivity throughout State Square.

The Masterplan will take 6 months to complete, including extensive community and industry consultation.

Quotes from Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, Eva Lawler:

“The key to Darwin’s prosperity is creating more jobs and bringing people into the CBD.

“The Civic and State Square Masterplan is a critical piece of work that will further shape our capital city into a place where people want to visit, stay and invest.

“By building on the cooling projects underway around the CBD, we will create more open, green spaces for people to meet and experience the Territory’s outdoor lifestyle.”

Quotes from Minister for Tourism and Culture, Lauren Moss:

“The Civic and State Square precinct holds significant historical and cultural significance for all Territorians and we want to share this with all visitors so they can enjoy our beautiful city as we continue to grow.

“The 10 Year Museums Master Plan supports Government initiatives to revitalise the Darwin CBD, increase tourism visitation, and enhance liveability for Territorians.

“The planned new Art Gallery will be underpinned by this framework for the development and improvement of cultural infrastructure, including the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT) and other museums, galleries, libraries, art centres and keeping places.”

Quotes from City of Darwin, Lord Mayor Kon Vatskalis:

“We look forward to collaborating on the development of the Masterplan for Civic and State Square and creating an iconic precinct that is a real drawcard for Darwin locals and visitors.

“The Masterplan for Civic and State Square will vastly improve the aesthetics of the city, making Darwin an attractive destination for the community and visitors alike.”

Quotes from Taylor Cullity Lethlean Pty Ltd Company, Director Lisa Howard:

“We are thrilled to be working on such an important project for Darwin.

“We see a cool and relaxing place where everyone can come to meet, gather and celebrate.”

“We imagine a Square that reflects all that’s great about Darwin and the Territory – its extraordinary landscapes, rich cultures and unique way of life.

“It’s exciting to be working alongside Troppo, Hully Liveris Design and Irwin Consult to deliver a space all Territorians can enjoy.”




Source:  Northern Territory Government -

Contact:  Media Contact: Ellie Clancy 0436 646 689

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