Green hydrogen push bearing fruit

28 February 2019

The McGowan Government's efforts to drive a job-creating, Western Australian renewable hydrogen industry is beginning to bear fruit, with feasibility underway for a Pilbara-based green hydrogen plant.

Yara Pilbara Fertilisers and ENGIE Energy Services have signed a collaboration agreement for a feasibility study into green hydrogen and green ammonia production in the Pilbara region.

The companies will invest $3 million into the study, which will examine converting Yara's existing ammonia plant in the Pilbara, which relies on natural gas, to a renewable hydrogen and ammonia production facility.

The study comes on the back of the McGowan Government's major push to drive a Western Australian green hydrogen industry, which kicked off at last year's WA Renewable Hydrogen Conference.

Both Yara and ENGIE are members of the McGowan Government's Renewable Hydrogen Council, which will make its recommendations to the State Government on strategies to drive a local hydrogen industry in the coming months.

Comments attributed to Regional Development Minister Alannah MacTiernan:

"Our Government has made a major push to drive a renewable hydrogen industry in WA, and that effort is paying off.

"This feasibility study is a major step forward in WA's renewable hydrogen future, and has the potential to create a whole new job-creating industry in the Pilbara.

"Congratulations to Yara and ENGIE on this collaboration - this is just the beginning of what could be a major new industry for our State."

Comments attributed to Pilbara MLA Kevin Michel:

"Our Pilbara has a tremendous opportunity to lead the charge in the development of a green hydrogen industry, not only nationally but at a global level.

"The development of a green hydrogen industry will create jobs for people in our Pilbara, and diversify our Pilbara economy.

"Our Pilbara is in an excellent position to lead Western Australia's transition to a low-emissions future."




Source:  Western Australia Government -

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