Locking in the Rockhampton Ring Road

20 November 2018

Federal Government: Federal funding for the congestion-busting Rockhampton Ring Road has been locked in.

The Federal Liberal and Nationals Government will invest $800 million in the project which will cut travel times and boost safety by taking trucks off local streets.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the project was part of the Government’s plan for a stronger economy and record investments in infrastructure.

“The Ring Road will keep Rockhampton moving,” the Prime Minister said.

“We want to tackle congestion to make life easier for commuters and better connect local farmers and businesses with their customers.

“Local MP Michelle Landry has been championing this project and our Government has listened. We’re backing Rockhampton and we’re backing Queenslanders.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said Michelle Landry’s advocacy for the Ring Road had secured the investment.

Mr McCormack said the Rockhampton project was another example of targeted local infrastructure delivery which meets the strategic wants and needs of local communities.

“The Rockhampton Ring Road will improve flood immunity and deliver a new crossing across the Fitzroy River which will ensure the road stays open for longer during severe wet weather to keep communities and emergency services connected,” Mr McCormack said.

“For the community, this all translates to fewer closures, reduced congestion and less time spent stuck in traffic.

“For freight vehicles, it means avoiding economic losses by keeping goods moving when previously they had to wait for floodwaters to subside.”

Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry said the Ring Road investment was on top of the $52 million the Australian Government had committed to the $65 million planning and corridor preservation works being undertaken in partnership with the Queensland Government.

“The plan and preserve project is examining all the necessary details in terms of project scope, so the Ring Road is a key initiative we have been preparing for,” Ms Landry said.

“Our community wants to spend less time in the car and more time with their families, our businesses want to get out of traffic and get the goods into stores, and we want to get freight trucks out of the CBD and off suburban streets. This project will deliver all of that.

“The project is part of our Government’s commitment to delivering the region’s infrastructure needs, with the alignment to integrate with major infrastructure already completed, including the Yeppen Crossing and the already approved Rockhampton Northern Access Upgrade.”

The improved flood immunity builds on the Government’s recent announcement that the South Rockhampton Flood Levee project will proceed to full business case development under the highly anticipated $272.2 million Regional Growth Fund.

The Ring Road is estimated to cost $1 billion with the $800 million commitment from the Liberal and Nationals Government representing its 80 per cent contribution to the project. The project is subject to the Queensland Government agreeing to 20 per cent of the costs.

The Rockhampton Ring Road commitment is an important example of the investments being made under the Liberal and Nationals Government's $10 billion investment for the Bruce Highway Upgrade Program, which includes an additional $3.3 billion announced in this year’s Budget.

This year’s Federal Budget also announced a record $75 billion, 10-year infrastructure program guaranteed by the Government’s plan for a stronger economy.




Source:  Australian Government - www.minister.infrastructure.gov.au

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