Highest bridge on Hamilton section of Waikato Expressway now open


25 October 2018

NZ Government: The highest bridge on the Hamilton section of the Waikato Expressway opened to traffic this morning.

The Kay Road Bridge provides a key connection to Hamilton’s north-east suburbs.

An NZ Transport Agency Portfolio Manager, Darryl Coalter, says the amount of dirt moved to build the bridge made it the largest single excavation on the project.

“144,000 cubic metres of soil needed to be excavated to cut the expressway route through the Kay Road ridge. That’s enough soil to fill four rugby fields piled 5m high”.

“We’d like to thank the local community for their patience throughout this build,” Mr Coalter says.
Horsham Downs Road will close at 6am on Tuesday 9 October for construction of another bridge crossing the expressway.

The road will close just north of Borman Road (near the old chocolate factory) for up to 14 months, reopening in late 2019. Detours will be signposted via Kay Road and Henderson/Boyd Roads. 1600 vehicles per day travel on Horsham Downs Road.

The start of the Horsham Downs Bridge had been timed to ensure the alternative route was open.

The Hamilton section will open to traffic in 2020. This summer, a final 1.7 million cubic metres of sand and soil will be moved, and a third of the road pavement will be constructed.

When the Hamilton Section of the expressway opens in 2020, it will improve safety, cut journey times and boost economic growth.

The Huntly and Longswamp sections of the expressway are also under construction.

Kay Road Bridge facts:

 Construction sequence:

Before bridge building could begin above the ground, the following work needed to be completed:

Bridge construction began ‘above the ground’ in August 2017. Construction included:




Source:  New Zealand Government - www.beehive.govt.nz

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