Getting underway on the Great Eastern Drive improvements

27 August 2018

Tasmanian Government: Tenders are now being called to deliver the first stage of infrastructure upgrades to improve safety and enhance the travelling experience on the Great Eastern Drive.

The Hodgman Liberal Government is making the single biggest investment in Tasmania’s tourist roads ever through our $72 million Roads Package to Support Tasmania’s Visitor Economy

The Great Eastern Drive is one of Tasmania’s iconic touring routes, and visitation to the East Coast is continuing to build including a growing number of slower vehicles such as cyclists, caravans, campers, and motorhomes.

That’s why we have committed to invest a total of $21 million on the Great Eastern Drive and its connections to make improvements like overtaking lanes, courtesy stopping bays, road widening and safety treatments, including at entries to popular tourism experiences.

The first stage of the upgrades in this package of works include projects to build a new northbound overtaking lane at Cranbrook, four junction upgrades in the Beaumaris Beach area, and improvements to the car park at Four Mile Creek.

These works on the Great Eastern Drive are part of our commitment to ensuring that Tasmania’s reputation as a premium destination is protected, for locals and visitors alike.

I encourage the community to provide feedback on the proposed projects, with works expected to commence in late 2018.




Source:  Tasmanian Government -

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