More certainty in construction sector smooths boom and bust cycle

07 August 2018

NZ Government: The 2018 National Construction Pipeline Report released today shows signs of sustained growth for the next six years, Minister for Building and Construction Jenny Salesa says.

The 2018 report provides a projection of national building and construction activity for the next six years, through to 31 December 2023. It includes national and regional breakdowns of actual and forecast residential building, non-residential building and infrastructure activity.

Jenny Salesa said for the first time since the Construction Pipeline forecasts were first published in 2013, the modelling forecasts sustained growth, reflecting strong construction demand nationwide.

“Further, national dwelling unit consents are projected to reach historic highs and we have already seen evidence of this with consenting in Auckland currently at its highest level for 15 years.

New Zealand’s traditional construction boom-bust cycles have undermined the certainty and confidence needed to grow skills and sustain a robust workforce over time. Gains made in peak periods dissipate and the effort to gear up again has taken energy that could have been more usefully applied to supporting innovation and efficiencies.

“Greater confidence and certainty within the construction sector will provide a more stable foundation as we embark on the decade-long KiwiBuild project to deliver an additional 100,000 modest starter homes into the market,” Jenny Salesa said.

Further information

The 2018 National Construction Pipeline Report is based on building and construction forecasting by The Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ), and Pacifecon NZ Ltd data on researched non-residential building and infrastructure intentions.

Other key findings from the report

The report can be found here:




Source:  New Zealand Government -

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