The Advisory Board places propriety on the development of a National Building Information Modelling Strategic Framework

21 August 2018

ACIF: The Australasian BIM Advisory Board (ABAB) recently held its second 2018 Forum in Brisbane. One highlight from the meeting was the potential for ABAB to be the governance vehicle for a National Building Information Modelling (BIM) Strategic Framework. A Concept Paper was tabled by the Victorian Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, and the Queensland Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning to establish the basis on which governments could adopt a consistent, national approach to BIM in major building and infrastructure construction projects across Australia.

The Chair of ABAB Dr Michael Green, who is the Executive Director, Employment, Investment and Trade Policy, Victorian Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, stated that “we have an opportunity for harmonising an Australia-wide strategic approach for the use and application of BIM. Government policy and public procurement methods are powerful tools to support such a step-change”.

Governments, the construction industry, and the skills sector working together through the ABAB, is uniquely positioned to support a National BIM Strategic Framework.

Another highlight was the imminent release of the Asset Information Requirements Guide –Deciding at the start of a project what information is required to effectively manage the operation of an asset after handover. The Guide is expected to be released in September 2018 and will assist clients and their consultants to define their information requirements in order to take advantage of BIM’s capacity to capture and deliver asset data. “The Guide will allow more informed whole-of-life asset information requirements decision-making”, said Dr Green.

The third important outcome from the meeting is the endorsement by ABAB to adopt the Council of Australian Governments (COAGs) National Digital Engineering Policy Principles. Endorsement means accelerated consistency and openness in the data requirements for public buildings and infrastructure assets, facilitating a more harmonised whole-of-industry approach in the application of BIM.

The BIM Advisory Board was established by the Australasian Procurement and Construction Council (APCC) and the Australian Construction Industry Forum (ACIF), together with the key standard-setting bodies, NATSPEC, buildingSMART and Standards Australia. The Board links industry leaders and expertise from government, industry and academia, and promoting best practice and consistent approaches to BIM practices, standards and requirements.




Source:  Australian Construction Industry Forum -

Contact: Media Inquiries: Teresa Scott 0402 137 315 or James Cameron 0488 277 529

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