Hellyer gold to be processed again

24 July 2018

Tasmanian Government: The mining sector is a key pillar of Tasmania’s economy, providing 55 per cent of our exports and supporting thousands of jobs in regional communities.

On behalf of the Hodgman Liberal Government, I welcome today’s announcement from Hellyer Gold Mines Pty Ltd they will re-open the mine and commence processing tailings to extract gold, silver, lead and zinc.

With improved technology, Hellyer Gold Mines will reprocess previously discarded materials, with up to $1.5 billion in gold and $1 billion in zinc to be processed from the tailings dams.

Reprocessing tailings will also lead to improved environmental outcomes for both the site and surrounding area—a win-win situation.

I am advised production is planned to commence by October, with up to 50 ongoing jobs. Hellyer Gold Mines has made a commitment to recruit as many local Tasmanians as possible for their workforce.

Today’s news follows on the recent announcement of two new major mining projects on the West and North West Coasts:

The Government is committed to growing Tasmania’s mining industry, which supports jobs in regional areas, particularly on the West and North West Coast.

This is why the Government has set a target to double new mining ventures over five years, and provided $2 million in this year’s State Budget for a new Exploration Drilling Grant Initiative to develop new mining opportunities.

We have also provided $9.5 million to the Mt Lyell copper mine for essential works to progress the mine to operation.




Source:  Tasmanian Government - www.premier.tas.gov.au

Contact:  Guy Barnett, Minister for Resources

External Links:  N/A

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