ISCA appoints Ainsley Simpson as CEO


28 June 2018

ISCA: The Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA) Board of Directors has appointed Ainsley Simpson as Chief Executive Officer.

Ainsley has been leading ISCA’s team in her role as Acting CEO and Chief Operating Officer since March 2018.

Speaking today, ISCA Chair, David Singleton AM, said the Board has been impressed with Ainsley’s leadership and progress since her appointment as COO. “Ainsley’s collaborative and empowering leadership style has been instrumental in shaping our future strategy. We will be building on the exceptional sustainability impacts that ISCA has enabled by partnering with industry; and will continue to champion progressive outcomes with our growing member base. said David.

Deputy Chair of ISCA, Sarah Marshall, has praised Ainsley’s accessible and collegial approach to engaging with industry. “We’re not able to solve industry-wide issues in a siloed approach, we need to engage with the whole broad base of the built environmental to enable sustainable solutions. Ainsley has already proven she’s the leader who can bring ISCA members and stakeholders together to catalyse change,” said Sarah.

Having joined ISCA over two years ago as the business and technical services lead, Ainsley has been instrumental in the growth of the team and traction of the Infrastructure Sustainability (IS) rating scheme across Australia and New Zealand. Since March, the ISCA Board and team have focussed on developing a new strategy aligning ISCA’s purpose and impact with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“My priority focus is on enabling an even more empowered infrastructure value chain that actively drives tangible positive change across the transport, utility and social infrastructure sectors. Our strategy ensures that ISCA is a trusted assurance partner across the infrastructure lifecycle, a reliable data and knowledge source and a collaborative advocate for leading the emerging culture of sustainability in infrastructure.

ISCA is already making headway, with the launch of the next evolution of the IS rating scheme (Version 2.0) which is underway across Australia and New Zealand. This milestone signals a shift in sustainability performance benchmarks, and timely recognition that if you are going to create virtuous change and make informed investment decision, you have to start in the planning phase of the lifecycle.

The infrastructure industry is responsible for more than 50% of Australia’s green-house gas emissions. ISCA enables sustainability in infrastructure through a third-party rating program, training and knowledge sharing and creating a community of practice around sustainable infrastructure. To date, more than $97 billion in infrastructure projects is engaged in the IS rating scheme across Australia and New Zealand.





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