Opening a conversation through the Planning Strategy Refresh

28 June 2018

ACT Government: The ACT Planning Strategy Refresh is an opportunity for the community and industry to learn more and have their say about how the planning framework works for the future of Canberra.

Minister for Planning and Land Management Mick Gentleman today launched the Planning Strategy Refresh to open a conversation with the community about how planning will work for our city over the coming years.

“The ACT Planning Strategy is an important document that provides a long-term framework to guide the future planning of our city by outlining where future growth and change is to occur,” Minister Gentleman said. “The ACT Planning Strategy helps promote well-planned and financially sound development that is consistent with the expectations and aspirations of the community.”

“A refreshed 2018 ACT Planning Strategy document will carry forward the major policies established in 2012, but also incorporate the progress being made towards key Government priorities like achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the ACT by 2045, providing increased housing choice and affordability and delivering improved public transport and light rail.”

The 2012 strategy was a guide for Canberra into its second century - showcasing the ACT as a unique place that protects and enhances the things we value as well as empowering us to confront the social and environmental challenges facing all jurisdictions. A lot of the 2012 strategy remains relevant - but we need an updated strategy that takes into account the changes our city is undergoing, notably light rail, our commitment to climate sustainability and ongoing urban renewal.

“In recent years the Government has done several engagements and consultations with the ACT community, including about Housing Choices, the new Housing Strategy, the city’s Statement of Planning Intent and major projects like City and Gateway. All of these encompass discussion on the future vision of Canberra,” Minister Gentleman said.

“The community has provided valuable input to these and many other engagement conversations and we acknowledge this contribution in helping shape Canberra over the next few decades. Continuing the conversation with the Planning Strategy Refresh will bring this input together.

“We want to embark on an engagement that checks in with the community and sees that we are getting things right in moving forward with government policy,” Minister Gentleman said.

The Planning Strategy will reference the concurrent reviews under way into transport and climate change, to ensure the government’s approach is aligned and complementary.

To begin the community engagement about the Planning Strategy Refresh, the community will have the opportunity to take part in a dynamic series of seminars. These will feature speakers such as urban futurist and former Lord Mayor of Adelaide Stephen Yarwood as well as futurist and strategist Peter Ellyard. These provocative futurists will challenge our ideas of how our city will grow.

The Refresh will also be highlighted with digital live streaming during the seminar series to extend participation from online viewers, as well as other activities including Planning in the Pub, workshops, the Your Say website information portal, youth engagement and stakeholder meetings.

Canberrans can find out what is happening in their part of town for the Planning Strategy Refresh – or get more information generally - by visiting



Source:  ACT Government -

Contact:  Brenton Sloane (02) 6205 7402

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