Infrastructure funding welcomed

11 May 2018

Tasmanian Government: The majority Hodgman Liberal Government welcomes the Commonwealth Government’s announcement today that it will fully fund its share of the $576 million to replace the Bridgewater Bridge.

This is in addition to committing $400 million from the Roads of Strategic Importance initiative to fund targeted works in Tasmania, improving the efficiency and safety of the Bass Highway corridor.

We have also secured $59.8 million for the Tasmanian Freight Rail Revitalisation program, increasing the Commonwealth Government’s total funding to $120 million.

The Bridgewater Bridge is a fundamental part of the National Land Transport Network in Southern Tasmania, linking the Midland and Brooker Highways. It is also a major entry point to Hobart’s northern suburbs.

One of my first actions as Minister for Infrastructure was to write to my Commonwealth counterpart, Deputy Prime Minister McCormack, outlining the crucial importance of this project.

The project will be co-funded by both the State and Commonwealth Governments, with the Hodgman Liberal Government contributing $115 million towards construction following today’s commitment by the Commonwealth.

This is great news for Tasmania, and an example of what can happen when Commonwealth and State Liberal Governments work together.

The best Bill Shorten could do on a recent trip is offer up fake money to build less than a quarter of a bridge.

Our close partnership with the Commonwealth has not only seen us secure the future of the Mersey Hospital, with a record $730 million funding deal, we’ve also negotiated a massive $20 million boost to Tasmania’s biosecurity.

This is in addition to a record level of infrastructure investment in Tasmania over the last four years which is helping to Tasmania to the next level.




Source:  Tasmanian Government -

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