International Development Contractors Community (IDCC) - a New Peak Body for International Aid Contractors in Australia has been Established

02 March 2018

Cardno: A new peak body for international aid contractors has been formed to represent the broad interests of the Australian international development community.

The International Development Contractors Community (IDCC) has begun accepting membership applications from individuals, small businesses and large companies involved in delivering the Australian Government’s aid program.

Director Brian Ramsay said that until now, independent consultants and private contractors helping Australia’s deliver its aid program have not had a representative body to increase awareness of the positive impact of Australian aid and to advocate on behalf of its members.

“There is a large group of professionals in Australia and overseas who have a wealth of experience working in aid and are passionate about improving the lives of people in developing countries,” Brian said.

“Similar organisations exist in the United States and the United Kingdom and the formation of the IDCC in Australia will allow the contracting community to shape and influence international development policy which will improve the effectiveness and overall impact of aid to recipient communities.”

The IDCC welcomes the opportunity to work closely with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to develop a more strategic partnership and relationship with the aid contracting community.

Formed as a company, limited by guarantee, the IDCC comprises three initial Founding Directors: Colin Adams, Director and Area Manager for Asia Pacific, Cardno; Therese Faulkner, Country Manager for Papua New Guinea, Coffey International Development and Brian Ramsay, Asia Pacific Representative, DAI.

The initial Directors will drive membership, establish operating principles and convene the first general meeting, within six months of incorporation, at which five inaugural Directors will be elected.




Source:  Cardno -

Contact:  Colin Adams - Area Manager ID AP

External Links:  N/A

Recent news by:  Cardno