The Mt Messenger Bypass project moves a step closer this week.

02 February 2018

NZ Government: Public submissions will be called by the New Plymouth District Council and Taranaki Regional Council for the NZ Transport Agency’s resource consent applications and Notice of Requirement for a designation over the land required to build the bypass.

Transport Agency Director Regional Relationships, Central North Island, Parekawhia McLean says the public and community leaders have been supportive of the bypass going ahead.

“Thorough environmental and geotechnical investigations together with ongoing engagement with iwi and the community have informed our consent applications,” says Ms McLean.

The new $200 million bypass with a bridge and a tunnel provides a faster route with a lower and less steep gradient through the Mt Messenger section of State Highway 3 north of New Plymouth.

It will improve safety, resilience and route reliability, avoid geologically unstable areas and contribute to the ongoing economic growth of the Taranaki region.

The 20 working days notification period is open for public submissions. During this period the Transport Agency and its Mt Messenger Alliance partners will be available at some local events and venues in Taranaki to discuss the consent proposals. Dates for this activity will be posted on the Transport Agency and New Plymouth District Council websites in late January.

Information about the applications, supporting documents and where to make a submission, can be found on the New Plymouth District Council and Taranaki Regional Council websites when the notification period begins on Saturday, 27 January.




Source:  New Zealand Government -

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