Future of Geraldton Port to be mapped out

22 January 2018

WA Government: A master planning process to map out Geraldton Port's role and infrastructure needs for the next 30 years kicks off today with the release of a public feedback survey.

Transport Minister Rita Saffioti was in Geraldton today to launch the detailed Port Master Planning process for the Port of Geraldton.

The Port Master Plan will take a long-term view of the Port's planning and infrastructure requirements up to 2050.

Key objectives of the project will be to articulate the future layout of the Geraldton Port, understand infrastructure requirements, consider port-community interface issues and identify operational requirements to meet the future needs of port stakeholders.

The project will assist:

The master planning process will include broad consultation with the community and stakeholder groups regarding the future of the port.

The master plan is expected to be completed during the first half of 2019. The Port of Geraldton's Pre-Project Master Planning Survey can be accessed from Mid West Ports' website.

Comments attributed to Transport Minister Rita Saffioti:

"We want to identify future opportunities for the Port of Geraldton, including looking at where new local jobs can be created through different industries.

"Engaging with the different industries and communities is integral to maximising job opportunities, and that's why we are starting the master planning with a consultation process.

"Stakeholder and community feedback is critical for this project to ensure their views are considered from the early stages of the project."

Comments attributed to Mid West Ports chairman John Elkington:

"During 2017 the Board and executive of Mid West Ports have focused on planning initiatives to sustain both a high performing organisation and the strategic importance of Mid West Ports in promoting State and national interests.

"The new master plan will support the future implementation of these strategic initiatives, particularly those focused on business development and on maximising the growth potential for existing port stakeholders.

"Integral to this process will be mapping out land use options while factoring in industrial estates and the ongoing need to protect our port access corridors.

"Early consultation is planned prior to the appointment of project consultants with the release of the Port of Geraldton's Pre-Project Master Planning Survey today seeking public and stakeholder feedback on the important issues for the project."




Source:  Western Australia Government - www.mediastatements.wa.gov.au

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