Transport Ministers welcome Auckland busway station announcement

18 December 2017

NZ Government: Transport Minister Phil Twyford and Associate Transport Minister Julie Anne Genter today welcomed the announcement by Auckland Transport of a new busway station for Rosedale.

The Rosedale Busway Station will align with the NZ Transport Agency’s plans to extend the Northern Busway from Constellation Busway Station to Albany Busway Station as part of the wider Northern Corridor Improvements (NCI) project on Auckland’s North Shore.

“This Government is committed to providing truly mode neutral solutions to issues of congestion, particularly in our major urban centres,” says Mr Twyford.

“Today’s announcement by Auckland Transport is an important step towards that goal, leveraging off the Transport Agency’s planned infrastructure improvements to improve public transport accessibility.”

Ministers Twyford and Genter joined Auckland Mayor Phil Goff for the announcement, along with senior Auckland Transport and Transport Agency officials.

The project, with an estimated cost of $70 million, is a joint project between Auckland Transport and the Transport Agency and will be delivered as part of the NCI project.

“Not only does this demonstrate the increased collaboration between central and local government that is necessary to drive significant change, coordinating the busway station project with the wider NCI project will allow us to work more efficiently and with less disruption to the local community,” says Mr Twyford.

Julie-Anne Genter says: “Making public transport more frequent, reliable and easy to use is key to making Auckland a better place to live.”

The NCI project has recently been successful in receiving consent approval after completing a Board of Inquiry hearing process. Construction is expected to begin on the NCI project next year (2018) with an expected completion date of the end of 2021. Detailed design and further planning for the Rosedale Busway Station will continue throughout next year, with the station expected to also be completed by the end of 2021. 




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