Tenders called for priority Tasmanian freight rail works

02 October 2017

Two requests for tender were released today for the repair and replacement of bridges and culverts on the Tasmanian rail network, to help ensure the longevity and efficiency of the state’s freight rail operations.

Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said the requests for tender were part of the Australian and Tasmanian Governments’ joint $119.6 million investment in the Tasmanian Freight Rail Revitalisation program.

“The Freight Rail Revitalisation program will upgrade priority sections of the Tasmanian rail network over four years to mid-2019,” Mr Chester said.

“This investment will further underpin Tasmanian rail’s capacity to deliver freight safely and on time, supporting businesses across the state and the entire Tasmanian economy.”

Tasmanian Minister for Infrastructure Rene Hidding said the bridgework was expected to begin in January 2018 and would focus on extending the life of some of the most critical bridges in TasRail’s network by strengthening them.

“These jointly-funded works are greatly improving the reliability of our rail network, which can be seen by the huge improvement in derailments over the past couple of years,” Mr Hidding said.

“TasRail has so far rolled-out construction contracts totalling $80.9 million, the majority awarded to local companies, which are in turn supporting local sub-contractors and local suppliers of goods and services. These bridge replacements and repairs will continue to improve the reliability of rail for the benefit of customers and the Tasmanian economy.’’

The project will also include the reconstruction of the Elizabeth Bridge at Campbell Town on the South Line, which is scheduled to occur during the Easter 2018 holidays.

The repairs and replacement of key culverts are scheduled to begin in November 2017, while the bridgework is expected to start in January 2018. Overall completion of the Freight Rail Revitalisation program is expected in mid-2019.

TasRail applies the State Government’s Buy Local Policy and tenderers are required to demonstrate their support of Tasmanian industry and businesses. Further details of the requests for tender are available at www.tasrail.com.au. The Australian and Tasmanian governments have each committed $59.8 million to jointly fund the Freight Rail Revitalisation program.




Source:  Tasmanian Government - www.premier.tas.gov.au

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