New major projects laws to encourage investment, create jobs and protect what’s special about Tasmania

08 September 2017

The Hodgman Government has a Plan to Build Your Future and part of that Plan is to encourage investment, create jobs and help grow the economy.

That’s why the Government is releasing draft laws that change how major projects are considered whilst still ensuring the assessment is conducted by an independent panel of experts appointed by the Tasmanian Planning Commission.

While the draft laws streamline the approval process and provide greater certainty, they also require that all relevant and necessary approvals including environmental, Aboriginal and heritage approvals must be granted by the relevant regulators.

The draft laws provide ministerial call in powers to enable independent assessment of major projects where multiple approvals are required, the project is complex or there have been unreasonable delays.

The draft laws also provide improved clarity for proponents by including a 'no reasonable prospects test' to save time and money being wasted on projects that won't stack up.

Also included is the new concept of 'in principle approval' at an early stage in the process, so that proponents know that if they can meet all necessary permit conditions they have a project and therefore the confidence to continue to invest.

But to be clear, these laws won’t apply to skyscrapers.  We believe that local communities through their councils should determine what the appropriate building height is for their community.

These draft laws will cut red tape, provide certainty of process and ensure Tasmania is a great place to invest, but they will also protect what makes Tasmania so special.

The draft laws are available at




Source:  Tasmanian Government -

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