Building Tasmania’s Future – 2017 Deliverables, First Quarter Update

10 July 2017

Tasmanian Government: The Hodgman Liberal Government is delivering on our Plan to Build Tasmania’s Future.

Deliverables 2017 is a snapshot of the Government’s Work Plan for the year, including over 220 initiatives to create jobs and economic growth, build health and education and support Tasmanians in need.

Today we are releasing the first quarter update, which builds on the positive results achieved through more than three years of unified, disciplined, majority Government.

Our economy has grown and there are 8,400 more jobs now then at the time of the election. Our unemployment rate is now lower than most other States – and with the Budget back in balance, we are investing record amounts into health, education and other essential services.

The First Quarter Update provides a progress report on 97 initiatives, three of which could not be delivered as intended, because Labor either blocked or watered down the Government’s legislation in the Upper House, including minimum mandatory sentences for serious child sex offences, rebuilding the forestry industry through unlocking production forests, and minimum mandatory penalties for repeat offenders who evade police.

Despite Labor’s political attempts to thwart Government action, we are getting on with the job of delivering new services, programs and infrastructure, including –

The next quarter deliverables include progressing initiatives such as –




Source:  Tasmanian Government -

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