Port Botany Rail Line upgrade powers past halfway mark

04 July 2017

Australian Government: The Port Botany Rail Line upgrade (Stage 3) has passed the halfway mark, with more than 55 per cent of the works now complete and providing rail relief for all Sydney road users.

Completed works include:

Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said the project was helping meet the growing demand from the freight industry for rail transport to Port Botany.

“Loading more freight on to rail is also great news for Sydney motorists, with every train improving road safety, reducing congestion and saving time for drivers,” Mr Chester said.

“Sydney's rail freight future is promising, with freight and logistics companies investing more than a billion dollars to get more freight on to rail. This increased investment has already helped shift the equivalent freight on hundreds of trucks on to rail.

“In the last six months alone, new freight loaded on to rail has taken the equivalent of more than 270 trucks a week—or more than 7,000 trucks—off the roads around Port Botany.

“The Coalition is getting on with the job of building infrastructure that makes Australia's cities liveable, accessible and productive, including working with state governments on bringing forward urban rail plans.

“The most effective way to improve Port Botany's efficiency and productivity is by enhancing the rail network and pushing more of the freight task through the port on to rail.

“This project offers improved access and connectivity for rail freight operators—and in taking freight off the roads is good for both the people and businesses of New South Wales as it ultimately assists in lowering the cost of transport.

“That is good for the back pocket of every consumer buying goods at the shops and every motorist using roads around Port Botany.

“While road freight is critical to the economy of New South Wales, Sydney's rapidly expanding population and New South Wales's future freight growth means it is no longer sustainable to be all carried by road, so rail needs to move more and more freight.”

The $75 million Port Botany Rail Line upgrade (Stage 3) project is fully funded by the Australian Government and is scheduled for completion in 2019.




Source:  Australian Government - www.minister.infrastructure.gov.au

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