Five ideas to revitalise Perth CBD

26 June 2017

The Property Council WA has today released the report, Big and Small Ideas for Perth, to revitalise the Perth inner-city area.

The report presents five key ideas:

“The Perth CBD has benefitted from a lot of infrastructure investment and now it needs a new strategy to take advantage of these assets and address the economic challenges in the city like high office vacancies and a subdued retail sector,” Property Council WA Executive director Lino Iacomella said.

“The top idea to revitalise the CBD is to significantly boost the residential population.  This will create a bigger market for local retailers and generate the street vibrancy to attract more visitors.

“The CBD also needs a genuine precinct plan to create vibrant local neighborhoods, which attract business and community hubs.

“The CBD retail sector needs more coordination and a central management plan to create a unique city shopping experience and compete with the expanding suburban centres.

“Perth suffers from not having a recognised brand to guide local economic development and attract international attention. Just as Sydney is known for being the regional finance capital, Perth should also be known for something unique.

“It’s also fundamental that we acknowledge and embrace our position in the Asian region.

 “It’s time for increased cooperation and coordination in the delivery of infrastructure and services across state agencies and inner-city local governments.

“The State should explore the establishment of a Minister for the Capital City,” Mr Iacomella said.

“We also need a new plan for Perth which includes a city boulevard program to enhance the walking experience in the City. There should also be a Citynet component of Metronet to secure corridors and plan ahead for things like a CBD under-ground rail loop and cross-river tunnels.

“The shared objective in the report is to make Perth a ‘world-class’ capital city to drive jobs and prosperity to keep WA growing,” Mr Iacomella said.

Report: Big and Small Ideas for Perth (external link)




Source:  Property Council -

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External Links:  Big and Small Ideas for Perth

Recent news by:  Property Council