Development Assessment Best Practice Guide For Councils

27 April 2017

UDIA: On 21 March 2017 the Planning Minister, the Hon. Anthony Roberts, MP released the Development Assessment Best Practice Guide.

The latest NSW Government forecasts show that by 2036 NSW will be home to an additional 2.1 million residents. Local Councils will continue to be the engine room for facilitating new housing to accommodate this growth.

The development assessment process is a key part of the housing supply chain and impacts how efficiently new housing is delivered.

The guide draws on successful practices used by councils that assist in the timely determination of development applications. It was developed in close collaboration with a number of high growth local councils and draws on leading practice processes and procedures.

The guide outlines processes and procedures that are being used in some councils already to improve development application (DA) approval times.

It focuses on high-level customer service before development application lodgement to create a more efficient assessment process.

The NSW Government have collaborated with the following Councils to pilot test the process improvements:

The Guide is set to be reviewed in September 2017 to ensure the needs of local government and DA applicants are being met.

For a copy of the Guide and further information can be found here




Source:  Urban Development Institute of Australia -

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