NSW Budget Must Improve Procurement

18 April 2017

Consult Australia: To ensure taxpayers are getting value for money, industry is calling on the NSW Government implement the recommendations of the Inquiry into the Procurement of Government Infrastructure Projects by the Legislative Assembly Committee on Transport and Infrastructure.

Consult Australia State Manager for New South Wales, Matthew Trigg, says the 2017-18 Budget is the ideal time for the Government to show leadership on how it spends people’s money.

“The Budget should see the NSW Government commit to establishing a Centre for Procurement Excellence and to ensuring the proportionate allocation of risk and liability on all contracts.”

“It wastes time and money to continue allowing systemic issues associated with poor risk management and inefficient contracting.”

“By failing to act as a model client in its procurement practices the NSW Government is doing a major disservice to the public.”

“This burdens industry and results in a less productive and competitive business environment.”

Consult Australia strongly supports the recommendations to:




Source:  Consult Australia - www.consultaustralia.com.au

Contact:  Consult Australia’s State Manager for New South Wales, Matthew Trigg on 02 8252 6708

External Links:  N/A

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