Industry economic ‘brains trust’ grows

28 April 2017

ACIF: New experts have been welcomed to the group of economic specialists behind the building and construction industry’s most comprehensive forecasts, the ACIF Forecasts.

Australian Construction Industry Forum (ACIF) has published industry forecasts since 2002, which includes a unique peer-review process by a group of leading researchers and economists, known as the Construction Forecasting Council. The range and depth of experience of the members of the Council means that the information behind the ACIF Forecasts is wide in scope and includes detailed market insights, which are incorporated into the ten-year forecasts for residential and commercial building, and engineering construction.

The Construction Forecasting Council welcomes three new experts to its impressive list of members:

They join peers from allied industries including commercial property management, construction cost analysis, property development and management, as well as investment managers. Members each bring expertise from different sectors and contribute to this non-profit industry service, which makes available high-quality market analysis that helps businesses of all types and sizes plan to thrive, or prepare to survive.

“The Construction Forecasting Council is unique in that it’s a ‘brains trust’ of economists with specialist knowledge of the state of the market for building and construction and the economic activity that drives it,” said Construction Forecasting Council Chair Adrian Harrington.

“The depth and diversity of expertise of Construction Forecasting Council members adds great value to the ACIF Forecasts. We are pleased to welcome Nerida and Andrew and look forward to hearing their voice in the robust discussions on the state of the market and what will happen next,” he said.

On joining the Construction Forecasting Council, Nerida Conisbee said, “The building and construction sector is vital in maintaining housing affordability in Australia and delivering the best outcomes to maintain our high standard of living. It is an honour to be part of the ACIF’s Construction Forecasting Council.“

Andrew Scott said, “One of the biggest drivers of capital in Australia is the building and construction industry, and this sector plays an important role in the ongoing financial stability of our nation. I am pleased to contribute to the ACIF Forecasts as market intelligence to help businesses as producers and employers in our economy.”

“With the introduction of new technology and increasing population, demand for construction activity is always changing and growing,” said Mike O’Shea. “The nature of construction work is set for a step change in the next 20 years and the large-scale infrastructure projects will change the shape of cities and careful strategic thinking is needed to navigate the changes. How can I possibly miss this opportunity? I am extremely proud and excited to contribute to the ACIF Forecasts and to be associated with the construction industry and the new surprises it is bringing in.”

ACIF Forecasts will be launched at the ACIF Briefing industry breakfast on Thursday 4 May 2017 in Sydney before full release to the building and construction industry the following week. Registration for the ACIF Briefing is available online here: More information about the ACIF Forecasts is here:




Source:  Australian Construction Industry Forum -

Contact:  Pia Argiratos, Marketing Manager, Australian Construction Industry Forum Mobile: 0405 144 314

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