Queensland’s project pipeline continues to lead southern states

02 February 2017

Queensland Government: The latest Deloitte Access Economics Investment Monitor shows the pipeline of major projects in Queensland still leading New South Wales and Victoria.

Treasurer Curtis Pitt said the latest Investment Monitor showed $152.2 billion worth of known investment projects in Queensland in the December quarter 2016.

“This continues to rank Queensland higher than our main interstate counterparts, particularly New South Wales which recorded $132.2 billion worth of projects and $68.2 billion in Victoria,” Mr Pitt said.

“Queensland remains second only to Western Australia in the value of major projects under way, committed, or proposed.

“The monitor showed the value of public and private projects in Queensland either under construction or committed totalled $36.4 billion. A further $74.6 billion worth of projects were under consideration and there were $41.2 billion more potential projects.”

Mr Pitt said the Investment Monitor also reflects the completion of Australia Pacific’s LNG's $25 billion project.

The December quarter also saw other large projects completed including the Grosvenor coal mine ($1.95 billion), 1 William Street office complex ($653 million) and the Rocklands copper project ($250 million).

“The end of these type of major resource-related projects has had an impact across the country,” he said.

“The December quarter DAE Investment Monitor recorded a total of $782.5 billion worth of projects across Australia, down from $810.8 billion in the September quarter 2016.

“But Queensland continues to outpace the other bigger eastern states which is a sign of the stronger business confidence and positive investment environment our economic plan has delivered.

“It is more evidence of the fundamental strength of our state economy and its nation-leading economic growth.

“It is also further proof of the emptiness of the LNP’s constant campaign of negativity about our economy.”

He said during the December quarter DAE added a number of new projects to its list for Queensland, including:

“The value of projects under consideration or possible rose by $843 million in the December quarter to $115.8 billion, with the inclusion of a number of projects,” Mr Pitt said.

“These included the $512 million Logan Motorway Enhancement Project under the Queensland Government’s Market Led Proposals initiative, as well as the proposed $360 million Mount Emerald wind farm in Far North Queensland.”

Mr Pitt said the Queensland Government recognised that building infrastructure benefitted local communities, strengthened local economies and supported local jobs.

“That’s why we’re spending more than $40 billion on public infrastructure over the next four years, including a $10.7 billion capital program for 2016-17, which will support 31,000 jobs.

“Almost half of the 2016-17 capital works budget will be spent in regional Queensland to help boost local economies and generate jobs.”




Source:  Queensland Government - www.statements.qld.gov.au

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