The Importance of an Engineering Register for South Australia


08 February 2017

Engineers Australia is continuing talks with the SA Government and key stakeholders about the importance of establishing a register for engineers to provide the community with confidence that the state’s engineers are appropriately qualified.

Engineers are the experts in their respective engineering fields and help to protect the community.

Having registered engineers is the community’s “insurance policy” and it’s vital the state’s regular infrastructure maintenance is overseen by appropriately qualified engineers.

The current examination of South Australia’s bridges is a timely reminder that appropriately qualified engineers need to be engaged to design, build and maintain the State’s infrastructure.

Engineers Australia argues a health index rating of a bridge cannot reliably inform the government or community of its safety. There needs to be better transparency – with details and conclusions of inspection reports and who conducted those inspections made public.

In ensuring that they are appropriately qualified, Engineers Australia is continuing talks with key stakeholders about implementing a registration of engineers through a statutory registration scheme similar to what’s used in Queensland and soon to be adopted in Victoria.

Registration ensures engineers have appropriate qualifications, knowledge and skills. While our engineering education standards are benchmarked internationally and the overall risk is low, the consequences of an engineering failure are very high in terms of public safety, consumer protection and international reputation.




Source:  Engineers Australia - 

Contact:  Catherine Garrett | National Media Manager, Engineers Australia | M: 0467 003 866

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