Final Barton Highway Improvement Strategy released

09 January 2017

Federal Government: The final Barton Highway Improvement Strategy has now been released and will guide ongoing safety and travel efficiency improvements along the corridor.

Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said the strategy recommended priority improvements that would mean that the highway could provide efficient and safe travel for years to come, with a number of priorities identified for action in the short-term.

“These initial actions include more overtaking lanes along the southern section, upgrading the road surface and carrying out safety improvements at various intersections,” Mr Chester said.

“Safety works including better road delineation, widening clear zones in high crash areas, and improving access and safety for cyclists and pedestrians within Murrumbateman village are also recommended.

“The strategy also recommends the roll-out of Intelligent Transport Systems technology to inform and help road users with travel decisions while improving incident management.

“We will now work closely with the New South Wales Government to determine the best course of action to progress these improvements from the planning stages to delivery.”

The strategy was prepared by Transport for NSW and Roads and Maritime Services in consultation with the Australian Government's Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, the ACT Government, community representatives, local councils and members of Parliament.

New South Wales Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight Duncan Gay said he welcomed the final strategy which incorporates feedback from community consultation and assessments of the existing road performance.

“In total, 112 submissions were received with staged duplication, intersection improvements and overtaking opportunities identified as priorities by the community and other stakeholders.

NSW Member for Goulburn Pru Goward said the Barton Highway Improvement Strategy will deliver a long term plan to deliver vital upgrades along the length of the highway.

“This strategy outlines important upgrades, like additional overtaking lanes, the community has been calling for,” Ms Goward said.

“This strategy compliments the strategic business case that is currently being developed and will look at design options and staging for the full duplication of the Barton Highway.

“Any potential future NSW contribution will be considered as part of this process.”

The Barton Highway Improvement Strategy was jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales governments.

Further information on individual projects in development along Barton Highway corridor can be found at




Source:  Federal Government -

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